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Welcome to Cork City of Sanctuary Movement

Welcome to Cork City of Sanctuary Movement:

Thank you for your interest in getting involved with Cork City of Sanctuary Movement.
Places of Sanctuary Ireland is a network of groups in towns, cities and local communities which share the objectives of promoting the integration, inclusion and welfare of refugees, asylum seekers and vulnerable migrants, by encouraging every sector of society to make a practical commitment to becoming places of welcome and safety.
PoSI works through community groups, schools and colleges, churches, local councils, businesses and other organisations in the belief that these newcomers have a huge amount to offer Irish society. We want to ensure that their voices are heard and that their skills and talents are given an opportunity to flourish for their good and for that of Irish society as a whole. PoSI is not affiliated to any political or religious organisation, but is linked to the wider City of Sanctuary movement which was established in the UK in 2005 with a vision for making cities places that had a culture of welcome and inclusion, especially for those seeking sanctuary.

The Cork City of Sanctuary Movement has been set up quite recently. We are trying to develop an action plan for this coming year and your engagement and participation is key.

The City of Sanctuary Movement working group was set up in 2017, and it is made up of all the key stakeholders in the city, from community groups to agencies and organisations and community representatives. Since then we have devised a number of sub-groups that will work on different themes over the next year and beyond if needed. Each sub-group is led by a leader and this leader is a member of the working group.